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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Solution Tuesday / 8-27-19

Solution Tuesday EveryOne
Well you survived day one, maybe not in the way we wanted, maybe a little tattered and torn, but we made it, and today is a brand new day, with new chances and opportunities before us. We can not go back and change what happened yesterday, good, bad or indifferent, tomorrow is another day that we can do nothing about till it get's here. Today is today, today is what we have to deal with so, feeling good, or feeling lousy we have got to handle what has been dealt us or put on our plate. Since it's round two of the hill climbing, we better get those hikers on, and take hold that staff. I heard yesterday someone had to beat off a bobcat, and another a snake ( the two legged kind ). Some of you are looking at sunny skies and know it is going to be a great day for climbing, others cloudy to which I can tell you, above the close there is sun so whether you see it or not there is sun up yonder and we will see it before this day is out, or at least we are going to give it our best shot. Along the way you know it, we will come on those that need our help. Some great in need, some small, but we will need to find that gentle side, and stop and take the time to listen and then help in whatever way we can. They don't need a sermon, a lecture, a Swiss cheese pep talk (most of them at least) they just need listened to and help getting to the next care station and then move on. Are you ready? Guess what? No is not a choice for answers. But ready or not this day is coming at us and we have got to get it moving. It's not getting any longer and we have lots to get done, so off to the starting line and let's go make us a most Happy, Happy all day long.
Your Morning Coach
Steve Gimmi 

Holidays & Observances:
National Pots de Creme Day
National Burger Day 
Global Forgiveness Day
Just Because Day
The Duchess Who Wasn't Day

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