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Friday, October 18, 2019

Duckbill Friday / 10-18-19

Duckbill Friday
   It’s Friday Yes, Yes, Yes TGIF, It’s Friday, Paradise Friday even. Put out the invitation, make the calls to the caterer, at the 5 O’clock whistle stop we are going to let the hair down and, turn up the music and kick off the shoes. But we still have to get there, we still have to do our 8 hours today. So don’t lose your head to quickly, don’t release your mind from thinking yet, Bottle that energy, that excitement and put it to fueling your mind for these last several hours of this week. It’s been a hard week, a long week, but others before have been harder and some weaker, and the same will happen in the future, but today we celebrate today, this week, this completion, and when the time comes we will party hearty. Now from this time till let us put our nose to the grindstone, our pedal to the metal and our hands to the plow. So you thought I forgot again didn't you, nope, I have not, the theme of the week are types of Caps, as in head gear, I love these types of hats they are fun to wear. Now, Are you ready, are you really ready, Nope but let’s get-r-done anyway, cause I am so ready Paradise Friday Party to begin. Now we leave no one behind who wants to come, so if you happen upon someone in true need, stop and help them, and to all the rest give them a high five, a hardy smile and an invitation to join us. And may you have a most Happy, Happy all your day long.
Your Morning Jester
Steve Gimmi

Holidays & Observances:
National Chocolate Cupcake Day
No Beard Day
Global Champagne Day
Hard Boiled Guy/Girl Day
International Necktie Day
Mammography Day
Meatloaf Appreciation Day
Newspaper Comic Strip Appreciation Day
World Menopause Day
Apple Butter Stirrin' Week: 18-24

National Seafood Bisque Day - 19
Evaluate Your Life Day - 19
Sweetest Day - 19
Bridge Day - 19
Evaluate Your Life Day - 19
Sloth International Day - 19
Sweetest Day - 19
INVICTUS Games: 19-26

National Brandied Fruit Day - 20
International Chefs Day - 20
Miss American Rose Day - 20
National Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Day - 20
World Toy Camera Day - 20
Asexuality Week: 20-26
Freedom From Bullies Week: 20-26
National Business Women's Week: 20-26
National Character Counts Week: 20-26
National Chemistry Week: 20-26
National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week:20-26
National Forest Products Week: 20-26
National Friends of Libraries Week:20-26
National Nuclear Science Week: 20-26
National Pharmacy Week: 20-26
National Save For Retirement Week: 20-26
National School Bus Safety Week: 20-26
National Teen Drivers Safety Week: 20-26
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week: 20-26
National Massage Therapy Week: 20-26
National Respiratory Care Week: 20-26
Pastoral Care Week: 20-26
Pro Bono Week: 20-26
Rodent Awareness Week: 20-26
Spiritual Care Week: 20-26

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