Rise and shine and I sure hope you dressed warmly or it cause it’s chilly out there. It is a wonderful morning to be a polar bear, But this fine feathered morning even my Rhododendron bush outside my window the leaves are rolled up tighter than a fine Cuban Cigar. I enjoy sitting inside my office watching the morning parade of dog owners taking their pouches for a walk and seeing all the outfights that the dogs are wearing, and noticing the dogs that are just fine with this temperature change and those that are not. I will say though this morning even the birds seem to still be nestled down in there cribs waiting for some sign or glimpse of a ray of sunshine to bring it’s warmth. But not yet just a beautiful light pale blue sky to start lighting the day. May your day be filled with warmth, if not from the outside, definitely the inside, and may you find some joy in sharing an encouraging moment with a friend. May the work we do today keep us warm and toasty and may we remember all those who have to work out in this stuff. Remember if you come on one in true need, lend a hand and to the rest a hearty welcome. And may you have a most happy, happy all day and may find warmth in your heart wherever you go.
Your Morning Nestor
Steve Gimmi
Holidays & Observances:
National Tempura Day
Asarah B'TevetHarlem Globetrotter's Day
I'm Not Going To Take It Anymore Day
International Programmers' Day
Old Rock Day
Orthodox Christmas
National Bobblehead Day
No Tillage Week: 7-10
California Dried Plum Digestive Month
Celebration of Life Month
Cervical Health Awareness Month
Children Impacted By Parent's Cancer Month
Clap 4 Health Month
Financial Wellness Month
Get A Balanced Life Month
Get Organized Month
Celebration of Life Month
Cervical Health Awareness Month
Children Impacted By Parent's Cancer Month
Clap 4 Health Month
Financial Wellness Month
Get A Balanced Life Month
Get Organized Month
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