Celebrate, Celebrate, dance to the music, cause it’s FRI-DAY, yes sir-ree Bob it’s FRI-DAY, Boom chuck-a-luck-a-la, Boom chick-a-luck-a-la, besides I need to dance to get the morning juices flowing, But at least it is not snowing and that I am grateful for. But anyway I am in the happy my place today as it is Paradise Friday and the end of the standard work week. So let’s make this short sweet and simple KISS the whole day long, nothing hard, nothing, deep, nothing radical, just sweep up the week, tie it all up with a nice bow and put it out for the woodland critters to carry away. Do it right, do it well, and let’s but a great finish onto a long week. Have a great day and an even better weekend and see you at the party at the end. Oh the Theme of the week? They are all varieties of heirloom beets, you hear me right, beets, I love beens, you name the way and I will most likely eat them. Even in a box with a fox, I will eat my beets. Thank you Dr Seuss. We can-not forget those in true need, please lend a hand when the time comes and to all the rest bring them along for the party the more the merrier. And may you have a most Happy, Happy day and weekend.
Your Morning Jester
Steve Gimmi
Holidays & Observances:
National Sticky Bun Day
International Mother Language Day
National Caregivers Day
National Grain Free Day
World Information Architecture Day
National Caregivers Day
National Grain Free Day
World Information Architecture Day
Texas Cowboy Poetry Gathering: 21-22
National Margarita Day - 22
National Cook a Sweet Potato Day - 22
National Banana Bread Day - 23
International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day - 23
Tennis Day - 23
Curling is Cool Day - 23
Diesel Engine Day - 23
Iwo Jima Day (flag raised) - 23
Orthodox Meatfare Sunday - 23
National Tile Day - 23
Shrovetide: 23-25
Single Tasking Day - 23
Tootsie Roll Day - 23
National Cook a Sweet Potato Day - 22
George Washington's Birthday -22
Be Humble Day - 22
International World Thinking Day - 22
Be Humble Day - 22
International World Thinking Day - 22
Walking the Dog Day - 22
George Washington's Birthday - 22
National Wildlife Day - 22
Tex Avery Day - 22
Women in Blue Jeans Days; 21-22
Woolworth's Day - 22
George Washington's Birthday - 22
National Wildlife Day - 22
Tex Avery Day - 22
Women in Blue Jeans Days; 21-22
Woolworth's Day - 22
International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day - 23
Tennis Day - 23
Diesel Engine Day - 23
Iwo Jima Day (flag raised) - 23
Orthodox Meatfare Sunday - 23
National Tile Day - 23
Shrovetide: 23-25
Single Tasking Day - 23
Tootsie Roll Day - 23
Bird Health Awareness Week: 23-29
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week: 23-29
National Invasive Species Awareness Week: 23-29
National Justice for Animals Week: 23-29
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week: 23-29
National Invasive Species Awareness Week: 23-29
National Justice for Animals Week: 23-29
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