And not it's not November and a clue to this weeks them is, the colors are all related to the most traded spice int the world. Now on with the show.
National Spanish Paella Day
National "Joe" Day
National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day - 29
Smoke and Mirrors Day - 29
Knights of Columbus Founders Day - 29
National Vietnam War Veterans Day - 29
Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day - 29
Texas Loves The Children Day - 29
Consider Christianity Week: 29 to 4/4
Fantastic Fritters it’s Freaking Paradise Friday already, holy cow batman I thought we would never make it. But we have and we are on the last laps of this week’s race. The last logs in the lumberjacks legion of lengths to split, the last bushels of berries to pick from the bunch of bushes before us, the last,,, oh you get the point besides that last one made me hungry. Point is we are here, we made it and not much further to go. So rise and shine and give glory that you are alive and well, yes if you are ready this you are much better off than many laying in hospital beds or who are in third world situations and don’t even have good hospital care. We think we have it bad, we think we are having a bad start to a day we think, when in fact we have much to be thankful for, even if our situation is not what we exactly want. So Fiddle de-de and fiddle my faddle let’s put on those flip-flops and fly like the wind. We have a train to catch at the end of the day to that paradise party, let’s do our best and leave no one behind and lets wrap up this week with a freaking awesome finish.The theme of the week are different varieties of PepperCorns. Yup that stuff we grind up and put on and in our foods and makes you sneeze if sniffed. Fun, fun, fun facts you never really expected to know about. LOL. Now on with it, Remember to lend a hand to anyone in true need, and to all the rest be of good spirit to, and may you have a most Happy, Happy all day and all weekend long.
Your Morning Jester
Steve Gimmi
Holidays & Observances:
National World Whisky DayNational Spanish Paella Day
National "Joe" Day
Celebrate Exchange Day
National Scribble Day
Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day
Viagra Day
World Theatre Day
National Scribble Day
Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day
Viagra Day
World Theatre Day
Something on a Stick Day - 28
Weed Appreciation Day - 28
Barnum & Bailey Day - 28
Be Mad Day - 28
Earth Hour - 28
Endometriosis March Day - 28
National Triglycerides Day - 28
Virtual Advocacy Day - 28
Weed Appreciation Day - 28
Be Mad Day - 28
Earth Hour - 28
Endometriosis March Day - 28
National Triglycerides Day - 28
Virtual Advocacy Day - 28
Weed Appreciation Day - 28
NanoDays: 28-4/5 Link
National Money Show: 28-30
National Money Show: 28-30
National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day - 29
Smoke and Mirrors Day - 29
National Vietnam War Veterans Day - 29
Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day - 29
Texas Loves The Children Day - 29
Passion Week: 29-4/4
Passiontide: 29-4/11
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