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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

German Wine Wednesday / 3-4-2020

German Wine Wednesday EveryOne
Welcome to weird Wednesday where anything is bound to happen and usually does. The sun is in the sky, somewhere, and those blue skies are so wonderfully seen from somewhere else in the world, but I am still happy to be up and alive and well. Is all perfect in my world, heck no, do I have all that I need or want, no, could things be better and have a much more appealing outcome, of course. But I am here I am in the now and compared to what could be, probably should be, or would be if not for the grace of,,,, I will glory in what is at this time at this moment and in this space. This just does not happen, we have to work at it, and we have to choose to be in the now and make the best of it. So today I chose to be looking for the sun, and looking to see blue sky. How ‘bout you? What do you choose today? Come join me on a spectacular journey to where only dreams can take us. Now onward and upward, over the top of the mountain as we press onward to our goal called paradise Friday. Be aware of one that needs true help and lend a hand and to all the other that we cross paths with greet with great joy. And may you have a most Happy, Happy all day long.
Your Morning Guru
Steve Gimmi

Holidays & Observances:
National Snack Day
Holy Experiment Day
Hug a GI Day
Benjamin Harrison Day
Brain Injury Awareness Day
Courageous Follower Day
Discover What Your Name Means Day
International Scrapbooking Industry Day
March Forth-Do Something Day
Marching Music Day
National Backcountry Ski Day
National Grammar Day
Old Inauguration Day
Toy Soldier Day
World Hearing Day
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Month
*Deaf History Month (3/13 to 4/15)
Developmental Disabillities Awareness Month
Employee Spirit Month
Endometriosis Month
Expanding Girls' Horizons in Science & Engineering Month
Honor Society Awareness Month
Humorists Are Artists Month
International Black Women in Jazz & The Arts Month
International Expect Success Month
International Ideas Month
International Listening Awareness Month
International Mirth Month
Irish-American Heritage Month


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