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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Green Tuesday Morning // 3-24-2020

Green Tuesday Morning EveryOne
Tremendous Tuesday is terminally upon us, so tighten the tunic and tether the tarp cause things are about to get interesting. Yup we are half way up the side of the mountain having survived another Monday mayhem, so that is an accomplishment in itself and already a reason to be grateful to see this Tuesday. So take a good look out there, yup that stuff outside my window is call rain, gray skies, but I know that the sun is shinning somewhere and that the rays of light are trying to find there way through, just not now, here, But hopefully in your area of the world is a bit different. So hip, hip hurray and all that kind of stuff, Down that cup of Java, or maybe some Tea if that's your bag, or some other tasty beverage, but pull on the hiking boots and grab your walking staff and let's get this joint rocking. We have a job to do and we need to do it with a smile and a happy, happy, attitude, cause we all know that happy little workers make the best kind of workers and it also helps the day to go by much faster. So be of good cheer, why? Because we can and we choose to be and we will make the peak of this mountain in splendor. Have a great and wonderful and remember to lend a hand to those in true need and encourage all others that cross your path. And may you have a most happy, happy all this day long.
Your Morning Trainer
Steve Gimmi

Holidays & Observances:
National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day
National Cheesesteak Day
National Cocktail Day
American Diabetes Association Alert Day
National Agriculture Day
World Tuberculosis Day


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