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Monday, March 23, 2020

Pink Monday // 3-23-2020

Pink Monday EveryOne
Wow what a morning, with the sun reaching up into the heavens with its finger like rays of color. And you thought it wouldn't be a good day? Really? It's Monday the start of a fresh new week, a new beginnings, new ideas, the old week is past and gone, winter is behind us and spring is before us. So what is your problem, you were able to get out of bed and see that sunrise, Ok so some of us are having to see it through a few clouds, but really? You were able to get out of bed, when so many can not, you got dressed by yourself, many can not, you were able to have breakfast if you wanted, so many can not, you are at a job or are able to work, many can not. Are you getting the point. Mondays are just another great day to be alive and enjoying all that is about us, clouds or sunshine. So turn that frown upside down and put on a happy face. It is amazing how one good attitude can bring a bubbling change to a gloomy room. Now go, have yourself a great day, make the effort to get a great start to the climb of the mountain, and enjoy every moment given you to live life. Now if you come on one in true need along your way, stop and give aid, and to all the others you pass, spread some good cheer. And may you have a most Happy, Happy all day long.
Your Morning Rooster
Steve Gimmi

Holidays & Observances: 
National Chia Day
National Melba Toast Day
National Puppy Day
Near Miss Day
National Tamale Day
OK Day
World Meteorological Day


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