CCRockhopper Blog-Spot

Past Blogs and News letters

Friday, March 20, 2020

Spaghetti Friday EveryOne
      Spring has officially busting out all over, (it is listed as starting on the 19th and running into the 20th. Yippy ky-ya It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, the sun came out (somewhere in the world it is actually not cloudy, but the sun is our regardless if we can see it or not) and it’s not even tomorrow yet, and even better yet it is Paradise Friday. Count down the hours till the train leaves track 29 for that wicked cool party waiting at the end of your shift today. It’s been a long, long week but we have made it, we have endure the potholes, the worm holes and what has seemed to be a few black holes but we are here. Getting out of bed is anything but drudgery and we do have a purpose (besides the big party later on), we do make a difference and we are an encouragement to others around us. We could, we can and we will continue to make a difference in all we do and to all those around us. So put on a happy face and smile, smile, smile we have made it through another week and in just hours will be time for some serious, oh let’s be serious I gonna get some serious shut eye but it will be a party in my brain. Now the theme for this week has been edible mushrooms, yup that lovely fungi that is oh so tasty to many of us. So seek them out and enjoy them, just beware to get the right ones lest this be your last day among us. Now, Have a great day, make the best of all that is given you and here’s to seeing you on the platform to catch the train. Remember if you come on one in true need, stop and lend a hand, and to all the others, smile and race them to the end. And may you have a most Happy, Happy all day and all weekend.
Your Morning Jester
Steve Gimmi

Holidays & Observances: 
National Bock Beer Day
International Earth Day
Extraterrestrial Abductions Day
Proposal Day
World Sparrow Day 
Alien Abduction Day
Bed-in For Peace Day
Great American Meat Out Day
International Day of Happiness
French Language Day
National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence
National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Rita's Free Italian Ice Day
Snowman Burning Day
Ta'Anit Esther
World Flour Day
World Frog Day
Won't You Be My Neighbor Day
World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People
American Crossword Puzzle Days: 20-22
National Cherry Blossom Festival: 20-4/12

California Strawberry Day - 21
National French Bread Day - 21
National Healthy Fats Day - 21
Credit Card Reduction Day - 21
Fragrance Day - 21
International Sports Car Racing Day - 21
National Quilting Day - 21
Corn Dog Day - 21
Gallo Wine Day - 21
International Colour Day - 21 
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination - 21
International Day of Forests and The Tree - 21
International Day of Nowruz - 21
International Sports Car Racing Day - 21
Isra Al Mi'ra: 21-22
Memory Day - 21
National Common Courtesy Day - 21
National Day of Action On Syringe Exchange- 21
National Fragrance Day - 21
National Healthy Fats Day - 21
National Renewable Energy Day - 21
National Single Parent Day - 21
Noruz - 21
Play The Recorder Day - 21
Save The Panther Day - 21
Twitter Day - 21
Walk In The Sand Day - 21
WE Day - 21
World Down Syndrome Day - 21
World Poetry Day - 21
World Puppetry Day - 21

National Coq Au Vin Day - 22
National Goof Off Day - 22
Isra Al Mi'Raj: 22
As Young As You Feel Day - 22
International Day of The Seal - 22
Mothering Sunday - 22
Talk Like William Shatner Day - 22
Tuskegee Airmen Day - 22
World Day for Water (aka World Water Day) - 22
World Day of Metta - 22
Health Information Professionals Week: 22-28
International Phace Syndrome Awareness Week: 22-28 
National Agriculture Week: 22-28
National Cleaning Week: 22-28
National Protocol Officer's Week: 22-28

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